This Old House
Photo Production & Creative Consulting
This Old House needed a visual overhaul. The top performing articles on the website had dated photography that no longer represented the brand. We reviewed the content and refreshed over 60% of those articles in their CMS with new photography through sourcing stock and imagery from photographers, builders, brands, interior designers and influencers. We provided a new template and workflow for improving content quickly. Additionally, we produced content for new daily articles.
In addition to photo production, we consulted the team on better workflows and maintaining brand vision. We provided feedback and guidance to their third party content partners on selecting and sourcing assets that were on-brand. We organized and added metadata to their in-house royalty-free stock photography archive in Canto.
Leveraging our creative solutions experience, we streamlined the launch of their shopping page for the Idea House project. Due to the page being created post-photo shoot, there weren't photos of every product featured in the home. We set a style and template for utilizing brand product photography to fill those gaps. It made the page look nicely diverse with in situ products mixed with still life. This became the style for future shopping pages.